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If you read the news, it may seem like the lockdowns for COVID-19 helped people to focus on getting fit. We had more free time, less commuting, endless healthy food options available for delivery, and every household ordered a Peloton. Right? 

A recent study showed that this is far from the truth:

  • 61% of Americans experienced undesired weight changes—gains or losses—during the pandemic, according to an American Psychological Association survey, Stress in America, conducted in February.
  • 42% gained more weight than they intended with the average weight gain being 29 pounds
  • 10% reported gaining more than 50 pounds during that time.

Yikes. For most people, the pandemic dramatically reduced their physical and mental health.

It’s time to get back on track. With gyms re-opening, it’s your chance to find a routine that will work for you over the long-term. We designed Black Box VR to be as fun and addictive as your favorite video games and sports! It’s fitness on autopilot. Just play a game and we’ll handle the rest.

We have added countless new features to the game and app to deliver our best fitness experience yet. If it’s been a while, get back in the Black Box Arena, and let’s all come together to become our best selves yet. 

Ryan DeLuca and Preston Lewis
Black Box VR Co-Founders


Why add virtual reality to your fitness routine? It’s simple. Most workout programs are boring so people don’t stick with them over the long term.

If you can turn your workout into an exciting video game, you can fall in love with working out and actually look forward to it! Don’t take our word for it, check out this new study:

“Compared to approximately 58% adherence and 50% drop-out seen with standard exercise programs in the literature, 90% adherence with 10% drop-out is a great improvement, showing that gamified VR can greatly increase adherence to exercise. VR also lowered perception of exertion, which may be a factor that contributes to this increased engagement.

As seen in the questionnaire answers, the majority of participants enjoyed playing these VR games and were mostly motivated to get a high score. This shows that VR games can help to overcome the lack of motivation and enjoyment barriers which have been identified as preventing people from participating in exercise regularly.

Overall, VR provides a promising platform for the gamification of exercise to improve physical and mental health together.”


Do you have a bad habit that you’d like to extinguish? Maybe something like late-night snacking, binging Netflix, and staying up too late, or wasting too much time scrolling through Instagram? 

Most habits start with a trigger of some type. You see, hear, or smell the trigger and suddenly your cravings become an unbearable urge. Seeing the potato chips in your pantry as you walk by, sitting down on your couch after a long day, and getting a notification from Instagram can cause you to perform the bad habit.

Remove the trigger, change your environment, and your bad habits will be less likely to consume you. Give it a try. What’s the trigger for your worst habits?


Black Box VR Member Facebook Group!

This is a community of Black Box VR athletes where we can discuss the game, our achievements, fitness results, and get to know one another.

Join today!

We’ll see you in the Black Box VR Facebook Group!


We are just getting started and continuing to grow. Here is our current list of Black Box VR Fitness locations.

Boise, Idaho
San Francisco, California

EoS Fitness Gym Locations:
Scottsdale, Arizona
Tempe, Arizona
Peoria, Arizona
Oceanside, California

If you’re not a current member, and you live in one of these gym locations, please stop by for a FREE trial and experience the future of fitness.